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Hydraulic Turbine Runners & Stainless Cavitation-Resistant Components

Hydraulic Turbine Runners and Wicket Gates

Hydroelectric power systems, which are becoming very popular, utilize the flow of water and its potential energy. Initially, mechanical energy is obtained from the water flow through the turbines, which are the most important components of the system. Electric energy is obtained by the turning turbines’ driving of generators. In addition to the water’s discharge and height, the precision of the Turbine Runners is also an important factor in the obtaining of this energy. The materials these runners are made of and the type of processing required by these materials requires advanced technologies and expert engineering.

Materials Suitable for Fresh Water and the Advanced Technologies

Since Turbine Runners will be used in fresh water, special free oxygen corrosion needs to be taken into consideration. A Runner-blade that demonstrate quite limited corrosion in seawater may come to shatter in fresh water. The primary reason for this is that the free oxygen leads to the cavitation and severe pinholes. Thus, the turbine runners need to be produced using special appropriate, materials. It is not easy to obtain such material via standard stainless steel technologies. It is necessary to refine the steel, very low level of carbon that may trigger future cavitation, which lead to cracking. This treatment process, correctly handled melting technology, and its use of sensitive alloys requires state-of-the-art technology. The possession of such technology of this specific propriety alloy is a great boost for Firmametal, which has researched in the laboratory for many years along with incorporation with U.S.A famous steel company Esco and is now reaping the results of its developed knowledge.

Maximum Performance, Optimum Price with high durability

To day Turbine Runners are manufactured by obtaining these materials in the form of blocks and then processing these blocks on CNC mills. This mode of production, using the casting methods in which Firmametal specializes, as the traditional and the most reliable and cheapest method for the production of turbine runner parts if technology is there. While Firmametal’s and its precision molding technologies enable the production of high performing runners and components, with Firma’s technology and its potential ecosystem, the company is also able to offer production at an optimized price with highest performance, durability and corrosion resistance quality.